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  • Writer's pictureirenecoleman25

Take Precautions To Save Your Child’s Life

Your child’s safety is your priority. Having a child is a blessing and taking care of the child is all you worry and think about. You go to work for them everyday, to make their future stable and secure. Your life is happy and joyful by, seeing them smile everyday, by being able to fulfil their needs everyday. But have you ever thought about what you would do if your child falls sick? What if the sickness is severe? Do you know that the best medicine and cure for various diseases is found at the very birth of your child? This is the umbilical cord blood.

What Is This?

There is a bundle of blood vessels that connect the mother with the baby in the womb that provides a pathway for the blood from the mother to move to the baby and vice versa. This is known as the Umbilical cord. The cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta immediately after the baby is born. This blood can be collected, stored and used for curing some diseases and the medical conditions. This blood contains numerous antibodies that fight against foreign cells and germs and protects your child from almost any dangerous disease. This not only keeps your child protected while in the womb, but can be used later on in life when he or she is in dire need of a cure against a sickness. Not only the cord blood, but the cord tissue also contains a rich source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that protect against disease pertaining to bone, muscles, cartilage, and fat tissue.

Where Does This Happen?

Cord blood banking Calgary has been really helpful and extremely effective in providing storage for the cord blood of various individuals and has helped save numerous lives for several years now. So pass on this message as much as you can and you can too take part in saving lives.

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