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Easy Storage and Cutting Edge Technology for Cord Blood

You will find that currently the storage capacity has increased multifold in Cord blood banking Canada. The reason is not too difficult to make out. It is seen that the Cord blood comes in its purest form already nurtured by the process of nature right from the time of fetus develops to delivery of the baby. As was the practice previously, the Umbilical cord blood and the placenta were discarded by doctors after the child is delivered.

However, this isn’t so now. Studies by experts in medical profession has noted that this very Cord tissue is of utmost importance as it gives the purest form of blood and the same is found in abundance.

Treatment of Numerous Medical Conditions

It has been found that the storage capacity at Cord blood banking Markham and Cord blood Calgary has risen significantly and there is no shortage of such blood. It makes it quite easy for patients to obtain this pure form of blood from the storage for transfusion into their system.

Cord blood from Cord blood Toronto or above can be used for curing 80 life-threatening diseases. It has been quite successful in treatment of medical conditions like autism, cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury. Many kinds of cancer cells including rare ones are wiped out due to its inherent therapeutic cells and molecules.

Simplest Blood Transfers

Cord blood Calgary offers easiest transfusion methods and as the quantity of blood is huge and being pure is easily transferred. You may even go for blood that is not exact match as Cord blood is immature. This makes it flexible and there is no time wasted during actual procurement and treatment.

Its potential is limitless as the Cord tissue has been found to have the ability to transform into different types of cells and tissues when if finds its way into a patient’s body.

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