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Details about Cord Blood Banking

At present, there are many cord blood banks in the world for the collection of the cord blood. Slowly and gradually, the number of cord blood banks is increasing. And this has happened because of the increase in awareness among the parents. Most of the parents are now aware of the benefits which are related to umbilical cord blood. As the cord blood stem cells are very helpful in curing different diseases. For the collection of the cord blood, both government and private sectors are trying to open the cord blood banks.

Use of Cord Blood Banking

The cord blood banking Markham helps in collecting the cord blood of an infant’s by sending the collection kit to the hospital. Because of the cord blood banking only, people these days are able to preserve their blood for many years. And this stored blood is used for treating different health conditions and for doing clinical trials and research also.

Types of Cord Blood Banking

There are two types of Cord Blood Banking, one is Public Cord Blood Banking and the other is Private Cord Blood Banking. Both are used for storing the cord blood only, but they differ from each other. As in Public Cord Blood Banking, anyone can donate the blood free of cost, but you cannot preserve it for your family use. And in future, if you need the cord blood, you will have to purchase. In the Private Cord Blood Banking, anyone can store the blood, but they have to pay the storage charges. As people preserve the cord blood in private cord blood banks for their personal use in the future.

Cost of Cord Blood Banking

The cord blood storing if done in public cord blood banks, it will cost you nothing. As most of the public cord blood banks, do not charge anything for cord blood donation. The private cord blood bank charges differ from one place to another.

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