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  • Writer's pictureirenecoleman25

Cord Blood Banking- Storing the potential future cure.

The umbilical cord is one of the most important parts of the human body. In fact, it can be claimed to be the most important part of the body for a human being, emotionally. After all, it keeps us connected to our mother physically. While umbilical cord has its importance while the baby is attached to the mother in her belly, it also has shown benefits after the baby has been brought out into the world.

The blood in the umbilical cord that is left immediately after the baby is born, if collected, and stored with proper care, could be used to treat various kinds of diseases and benefit in myriads of medical conditions. The cord blood contains stem cells have been known to treat about 80 kinds of diseases that could have been jeopardized life otherwise. It has also been witnessed that cord blood has been used in the transplants for the conditions which may include cancers, leukemia, blood disorders, and solid tumors.

These cord blood are very useful in the treatment of such kind of diseases of the child and even very much effective for the siblings of the child. While it has a lot of potential benefits, there is only one chance for obtaining the cord blood. It is obtained from the umbilical cord and the placenta after the baby is disconnected from the mother by cutting the cord. The cord blood is then sent to the laboratory where the separation of stem cells from red blood cells (RBCs) and plasma is done.

There are provisions to store these stem cells in a frozen state in blood banks which can be used to treat diseases in the patients when required. The cord blood banking Calgary is one of the leading storages of cord blood dedicated to the storage of cord blood for the treatment of various chronic diseases.

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