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  • Writer's pictureirenecoleman25

Cord blood banking Canada

The cord blood banking is one of the recent developments and it has led to wide ranging impacts in the medical industry. The cord blood banking is essentially nothing but the storage cord blood stem cells which can used in future for the treatment of various diseases. The parents who are expecting a child can enable the storage of the stem cells from the umbilical cord blood of the child and which can be used in the medical transplants or procedures in the future.

Understanding the procedure of cord blood storage

The FDA has provided approval for the use of cord blood stem cells in the treatment of almost 80 diseases including fatal life-threatening diseases such as forms of blood cancer that include lymphoma and leukemia amongst others. The stem cells that are stored for future treatment and transplants are essentially obtained and gathered from blood that remains in umbilical cord as well as placenta after cord is cut during the baby's birth. The cord blood is then transferred to laboratory where the extraction of stem cells takes place from red blood cells as well as plasma.

If you are opting for the Cord blood banking Canada or the storage of the cord blood stem cells then you should know about these facts and features about the whole process. The cord blood is conveniently collected and it takes an approximate 5 minutes for the process. The procedure is safe with no risk to either the mother or the baby and the cord blood is available for use immediately.

There is also hardly any waiting time between the requirement and the actual time of treatment. The cord blood has the capability of differentiating into different cell tissues and types. There are in excess of 35,000 transplants that are performed worldwide which goes to show it is a considerably safe process.

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