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Cord Blood and Stem Cells: A Basic Study

What is umbilical Cord Blood?

During the gestational period, the umbilical cord connects the fetus to the placenta.

Placenta is the organ which provides necessary nutrients and oxygen to the developing baby and helps in removing the waste products from the baby’s blood.

Why Cord blood should be saved?

The cord blood contains a high concentration of stem cells, known as hematopoietic stem cells.

Stem cells are important as it helps in treating various diseases, including blood cancer, genetic and metabolic disorders.

Some diseases that can be treated by cord blood stem cells are’

• Leukemia

• Lymphoma

• Different types of Anemia

• Parkinson’s disease

• Type 1 Diabetes (clinical trial)

• Type 2 Diabetes (clinical trial)

Advantages of Cord blood stem cells

Cord blood collection is painless and free from risks.

The process is effortless as the blood is collected from the expelled placenta and cord. So there is no health risk to both mother and child.

Cord blood can be stored for a long time.

The biggest advantage is the transplantation can be done by a partial match. Cord blood can be transplanted even if the donor and recipient do not possess the perfect match.

Cord blood has a lesser risk of rejection means it is safe from the attack of Graft-versus-host disease.

Disadvantages of Cord blood stem cells

The volume of the collected blood is relatively low, that’s why the quantity of the stem cells are lesser than that of peripheral blood and bone marrow.

Still, the cord blood banking Canada and other countries are choosing stem cell transplant from umbilical cord blood, as it provides the solution of many dangerous medical issues.

Cord blood banks

Two types of cord blood banks are

• Public Banks- Stores umbilical cord blood for research and public use, no storage fees.

• Private Banks- Stores cord blood for the personal use of the donor. Annual fees are applicable.

Discuss with your health care provider, if you want to donate cord blood for future.

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